Module Animations

Tuple Documentation of
There are two animation arrays (one for human and one for horse). Each animation in these arrays contains the following fields:
1) Animation id (string): used for referencing animations in other files. The prefix anim_ is automatically added before each animation-id
2) Animation flags: could be anything beginning with acf_ defined in
3) Animation master flags: could be anything beginning with amf_ defined in
4) Animation sequences (list).
4.1) Duration of the sequence. Basically the speed of the animation, the higher the number, the slower the animation will progress.
4.2) Name of the animation resource.
4.3) Beginning frame of the sequence within the animation resource.
4.4) Ending frame of the sequence within the animation resource.
4.5) Sequence flags: could be anything beginning with arf_ defined in
4.6) Sound Timing (float): Optional. Used to play sounds in animations with arf_make_walk_sound and arf_make_custom_sound.
        Can be used in conjunction with pack2f or pack4f to make the animation play the sound multiple times.
        Timing assumed to be percentages ofanimation completion. For example a timing of 0.0 will play at the start while 1.0 will play at the end.
4.7) Offset Position (float, float, float): Optional. Used to move the animating agent's position at the end of the animation. Requires acf_displace_position flag.
4.8) Ragdoll Delay (float). Optional. Time, in seconds, for death animations to switch to ragdoll physics. Note, setting this for longer than 2.0 will cause the animation to hang instead of transitioning as the engine only tracks "dead" agents for this long before freezing them to free up resources. is where the animation of the module are getting recorded and defined. The file has a declaration of constants before the usual list of tuples begins.

The animations are semi-hard-coded: Many animations are hard-coded such way inside the game engine that their position (if its #1, #100, etc.) matters. However, while the game engine expects animation #30 to do something when a particular action is used (like a block) you can still edit the individual sequences, resources or times and thus define your own visual animation and special flags. Important is that each animation must stay at the same position, otherwise the game won't run properly! You must not change the IDs of used animations![1]

To add an animation, you need to overwrite one of the "unused" animations.[2] Those are place holder animations and thus free, and can be used for stuff like a special animation for sitting, for a npc working on a field, etc. Stuff you will define by hand and for which you have a suitable animation resource at hand. Also keep in mind there are animation for humans and animations for horses, don't mix them. If the animation is for humans, you need to replace one of the anim_human_unused-lines and if it is for horses, replace one of the anim_horse_unused-lines. So comment out the first available "unused" animation and add or paste yours above or below it. You can also change the ID name of your animation to your likings.[3]

At adding new animations you need to provide a set of flags to control the execution, frames, speed, sync, if it should be on a cycle or not, the effect on rigging and how to blend in with the next animation.[4] Unfortunately the official documentation lacks details, so we try to fill out the gaps of knowledge about the meaning of some of the flags as good as we can.

Animation Capability Flags

The following animation capability flags are available for usage:[5]

acf_align_with_ground aligns the animation's up axis to the normal of the terrain below them for the duration of the animation.
acf_displace_position is getting used in conjunction with tuple 4.7 to offset the agent at the end of the animation.[6]
acf_enforce_all lets the animation play over all channels of the skeleton.
acf_enforce_lowerbody lets the animation always play on the lower body channel, even if called to play on the upperbody.
acf_enforce_rightside lets the animation fully take over the right skeletal mesh, with no blending from upper to lower body, or between animations. Rotates the right arm to the look direction (more than the rest of the upper body).
acf_ignore_slope ignores the angle of the slope during the animation.
acf_left_cut Up4research
acf_lock_camera locks the camera angle in first person view with the current animation.
acf_overswing Up4research
acf_parallels_for_look_slope enables low and high angle versions for an animation. At the animation resource in the brf-file they should be put 100 frames before the normal animation for the low angle version, and 100 frames after for the high angle version.[7]
acf_right_cut Up4research
acf_rot_vertical_bow enables a vertical rotation to "aim" at the animation.
acf_rot_vertical_sword enables a vertical rotation to "aim" at the animation which also affects the head and the right shoulder.
acf_rotate_body a Vanilla M&B flag, it might work in the same way as acf_displace_position but for rotation? Up4research.
acf_synch_with_horse synchronises the rider animation with that of their mount.
acf_thrust Up4research

Animation Master Flags

The following animation master flags are available for usage:

amf_accurate_body Up4research
amf_client_owner_prediction sends more precise animation info, like direction and frame to the server, for accurately combat calculations? Up4research.
amf_client_prediction forces the animation to not sync with the server, or vise versa. Up4research.
amf_continue_to_next plays sequencially the upfollowing animation when the current one has ended, regardless of its priority.
amf_hide_weapon hides the weapon during the animation.
amf_keep lets the animation hold at the last frame of the animation until an animation of equal or greater priority gets called. Using it together with arf_cyclic while having a variety of animation resources will probably let the agent stick to a specific randomly chosen animation until the agent switches to a different action, Up4research.
amf_play lets the animation play through and end when reaching the final frame.
amf_restart restarts the animation even if it is the current animation.
amf_rider_rot_bow limits the rotation of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from π rad, 180°, (rotation to the left) to -0.5 rad, -28.64°, (rotation to the right), in relation to the looking direction of the horse.[8]
amf_rider_rot_couched_lance limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 0.75 rad, 42.97°, to -0.65 rad, -37.24°.
amf_rider_rot_crossbow limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.5 rad, 143.24°, to -1.5 rad, -85.94°.
amf_rider_rot_defend limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.0 rad, 114.59°, to -2.0 rad, -114.59°.
amf_rider_rot_overswing limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.0 rad, 114.59°, to -2.0 rad, -114.59°.
amf_rider_rot_pistol limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 1.0 rad, 57.30°, to -3.0 rad, -171.89°.
amf_rider_rot_shield limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 3.0 rad, 171.89°, to -1.3 rad, -74.48°.
amf_rider_rot_swing_left limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.0 rad, 114.59°, to -2.0 rad, -114.59°.
amf_rider_rot_swing_right limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.0 rad, 114.59°, to -2.0 rad, -114.59°.
amf_rider_rot_throw limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.8 rad, 160.43°, to -1.3 rad, -74.48°.
amf_rider_rot_thrust limits the rotation angle of the upper body of a mounted agent to a range from 2.4 rad, 137.51°, to -1.5 rad, -85.94°.
amf_start_instantly prevents that the animation needs to wait to start and interrupts all current animations to play.
amf_use_cycle_period repeats the same animation if multiple animation resources are tied to a single action? Up4research.
amf_use_defend_speed takes additionally the speed value of the currently wielded shield into account when calculating the duration of the animation.
amf_use_inertia slows down the animation related to weapon mass? Apparently the animation will inherit the inertia from character movement to modify animation speeds Up4research.
amf_use_weapon_speed takes additionally the speed value of the currently wielded weapon into account when calculating the duration of the animation.

amf_client_prediction doesn't let animation sync, cmpxchg8b, Modding Q&A

amf_use_weapon_speed, Shredzorz (credit), [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0}

custom mount animation and also some note about priority, The_dragon, Modding Q&A, and Modding Q&A

Animation Priority Flags

Animation Priority Flags are no genuine Animation Master Flags but custom declared flags. Animations can only play if they have a higher priority than the animation currently being played, i.e. Stand is a 0 priority animation, so every animation with a set priority can take priority, interrupt the animation and play. Alternatively, death has a priority of 95, so nothing can exceed this in Native.

									amf_priority_jump             = 2
amf_priority_ride             = 2
amf_priority_continue         = 1
amf_priority_attack           = 10
amf_priority_cancel           = 12
amf_priority_defend           = 14
amf_priority_defend_parry     = amf_priority_defend + 1
amf_priority_throw            = amf_priority_defend + 1
amf_priority_blocked          = amf_priority_defend_parry
amf_priority_parried          = amf_priority_defend_parry
amf_priority_kick             = 33
amf_priority_jump_end         = 33
amf_priority_reload           = 60
amf_priority_mount            = 64
amf_priority_equip            = 70
amf_priority_rear             = 74
amf_priority_striked          = 80
amf_priority_fall_from_horse  = 81
amf_priority_die              = 95

Take note that these are just values to orientate upon, you can declare your own flags or use plain numbers at the animation entries.

There is a different way to play an animation that does have lower priority using the flag amf_continue_to_next, where the animation immediately following the animation with that flag will play when the first animation ends. It can be assumed the follow up animation inherits the priority of the animation it is following as all native continue animations have a priority of 1.

Animation Sequence Flags

The following animation sequence flags are available for usage:

arf_blend_in_x lets blend in an animation to the one currently playing. It is currently unknown if this is in frames, or some unknown measurement of time, Up4research.
arf_cyclic causes the animation sequence to loop, needs to be paired with amf_keep in order to function correctly. Constantly replaying an animation with arf_cyclic and missing amf_restart is a nice way to keep a loop going.
arf_lancer Up4research
arf_make_custom_sound lets a sound be played when specific animations are getting triggered. The animations as well as the connected sounds are hardcoded, modders can basically just toggle the sound on or off by setting or removing this flag. The animation triggers and sound connections are as follows:
Animation Sound
1) Get new ammo
anim_ready_bow snd_pull_arrow
anim_reload_crossbow snd_reload_crossbow
anim_reload_crossbow_horseback snd_reload_crossbow
anim_reload_musket snd_reload_crossbow
anim_reload_musket_full snd_reload_crossbow
2) Reload ranged weapon
anim_ready_bow snd_pull_bow
anim_reload_crossbow snd_reload_crossbow_continue
anim_reload_crossbow_horseback snd_reload_crossbow_continue
3) Agent falling
anim_fall_face_hold snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_chest_front snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_abdomen_hold_front snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_head_front snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_right_front snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_body_back snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_rider_right_forward snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_rider_right snd_body_fall_small
anim_fall_rider_left snd_body_fall_small
anim_rider_fall_right snd_body_fall_small
anim_rider_fall_roll snd_body_fall_small
anim_strike_fall_back_rise snd_body_fall_small
anim_horse_fall_right snd_body_fall_small
anim_horse_fall_roll snd_body_fall_small

This flag is getting used together with the pack2f function in tuple 4.6. The first value of it determines at which percentage of the animation completion the first occasion sound (Get new ammo) is getting played, the second value determines the trigger moment of the second occasion sound (Reload ranged weapon) is getting played. The third occasion (Agent falling) has only one sound stage, so the second value is always zero.
arf_make_walk_sound This flag is getting used together with the functions pack2f and pack4f after the arf-flags in the animation sequences. This are float checks for the animation progress and play on the respective occasions the footstep and jumping sounds for human and horse agents, also depending on if they are moving within the water or not.
arf_use_stand_progress lets the animation use the current stand animation progress.
arf_stick_item_to_left_hand sticks the weapon to the left hand during the animation. Mind that the weapon gets flipped when being put into the left hand. The mesh can additionally be offset (but not rotated) to let it fit better into the left hand. This offset can be influenced via the variables musket_left_hand_x/y/z_dif in the file game_variables.txt.[9] As the variable name indicates, this flag is usually getting used at loading animations of muskets.
arf_two_handed_blade Up4research
arf_use_walk_progress lets the animation use the current walk animation progress.
arf_use_inv_walk_progress same as arf_use_walk_progress, but plays the animation in reverse? Up4research.

stick item to left hand animation problem, Somebody, Modding Q&A

arf left hand, Maxim Suvorov (credits?), Version 1.150 - 1.151 - 1.152 - 1.153 released

Upper and Lower Body at Animations

upper and lower body at animation, Example, Modding Q&A

uperbody part animation, jacobhinds, Modding Q&A

Variations for Animations

It is possible to add different variations of the same animation, just put them in the list of animation reference entries. If the animation has multiple parts and you have variations, they might however not sync up properly during the transitions.[10]

Animation Sounds

The settings pack2f and pack4f (pack two/four floats) are assigning sound to the animations, defining at what percentage of the animation a sound is getting played. The value are getting multiplied by 255 and then stored in 8 bits which means anything below 0 or over 1 will get clamped (0 = start of animation, 1 = end of animation). If more than two values are needed, pack4f is used instead of pack2f. How many and what sounds are actually played is almost entirely hardcoded,[11] see the descriptions of the animation sequence flags arf_make_custom_sound and arf_make_walk_sound for more details.


Entry field 4.8 contains the time, in seconds, for death animations to switch to ragdoll physics. Note, setting this for longer than 2.0 will cause the animation to hang instead of transitioning as the engine only tracks "dead" agents for this long before freezing them to free up resources. Mind that if a value below 0.01 is set, the game engine will use the value 0.5 instead. You can disable ragdolls at the Options in-game.[12]

Dead agents can still be affected by scripts for about 2 seconds after death, before they drop their weapons. You could use a shortened animation to get more interesting ragdolls, then, if the player is playing without ragdolls, continue on to play a different longer death animation instead. Unfortunately there's no operation to pull that particular setting, though, so you will have to create a trigger making use of ti_on_agent_killed_or_wounded.[13]

Skin/Race-specific animations

Unfortunately, specific movement or combat animations for custom races are not possible without extremely inefficient workarounds, i.e. working out when each animation would play (if the agent is further left than it was in the last frame, use the move left animation). It is made harder by the fact that for some silly reason animations have to be assigned at every frame, which also causes lag.[14]

Fun fact: After "researching" the engine it's quite obvious that the developers planned to have per-agent action sets but for some reason they scrapped the idea without even removing the code.[15]

Animations and Item Types

The walking and holding animations are influenced by the item types of the weapons an agent is carrying and, to some lesser degree, by the item property and capability flags of the prementioned weapons. For this you will find first a description of each of the four cases and then, sorted by the cases, the animations connected to each case.

  • Case 0 is the default case, basically used for unarmed agents.
  • Case 1 gets gets applied if an agent carries 1) an item of either the type itp_type_crossbow or itp_type_musket AND with the item capability flag itcf_reload_pistol or 2) every other not in case 2 or 3 mentioned combination. Basically, this case contains all one-handed weapons (and whenever the agent carries a shield too) as well as all kind of throwing weapons, bows and pistols.
  • Case 2 gets applied if an agent carries 1) an item with the flag itp_type_polearm AND no secondary item in the left hand or 2) an item of either the type itp_type_crossbow or itp_type_musket AND without the capability flag itcf_reload_pistol. Basically, this case contains all polearms, crossbows and muskets.
  • Case 3 gets applied if an agent carries an item of either the type itp_type_one_handed, itp_type_two_handed or itp_type_polearm AND with the item property flag itp_two_handed. Basically, this case contains all two-handed weapons.

The connection between item flags and the running and walking animations is a simple one as can be seen in the table below. Take note that the * is replacing the direction of the animation, so backward, forward, left or right (or a combination of them like forward left etc.).[16]

Case Animation
Case 0 anim_walk_*, m_walkActionNo(?)
Case 1 anim_walk_*_onehanded
Case 2 anim_walk_*_staff and anim_walk_*_polearm
Case 3 anim_walk_*_greatsword and anim_walk_*_twohanded
Common for all anim_walk_*_hips_left/right
Case 0 anim_run_*
Case 1 anim_run_*_onehanded
Case 2 anim_run_*_staff and anim_run_*_polearm
Case 3 anim_run_*_greatsword and anim_run_*_twohanded
Common for all anim_run_*_hips_left/right
Case 0 anim_turn_right/left
Case 1 anim_turn_right/left_single
Case 2 anim_turn_right/left_staff
Case 3 anim_turn_right/left_greatsword

The standing animations are also depending on the item types and item property flags as well as if the agent is idle or crouching:

Case Animation Condition
Case 0
IF Alarmed Agent OR Player in Battle OR mtf_team_fight OR Multiplayer
Crouch anim_crouch_unarmed
Idle anim_stand_unarmed
Case 1
Crouch anim_crouch_single
Idle anim_stand_single
Case 2
IF itp_crossbow
Crouch anim_crouch_crossbow
Idle anim_stand_crossbow
IF itp_is_pike AND turn amount < MAX(brace_rotation_limit; 0.01)
Crouch anim_crouch_pike
Crouch anim_crouch_staff
Idle anim_stand_staff
Case 3
Crouch anim_crouch_greatsword
Idle anim_stand_greatsword

Animations and Item Capability Flags

The engine is hard-coded to allocate only certain types of combat animations to items with certain item capability flags. You can always try combining existing animations to clear up slots or use up the sets that aren't in use in your module, like the pistol and musket animations in Native. Shield bash, horn blowing and other actions aren't weapon animations - they take up one of the unused human animation entries and are called on-demand by a trigger.[17]

The following tables list which animations are connected with which item capability flags, starting with the defending animations. Keep in mind that the animation entries can be named different than the animations inside the brf files. Do always look up the name of the animation resource at the tuple entry of the mentioned animation. Take note that the normal defending animations are getting overruled by the shield animations if the agent wears a shield, and are getting overruled by the fist defending animations if no weapons are given at all:

itcf Defend Action Keep Action
Shield overrules anim_defend_shield anim_defend_shield_keep
Unarmed defense anim_defend_fist anim_defend_fist_keep

If the agent has no shield the defending animations are as follows:

itcf Defend Action Keep Action
Defend thrust
itcf_parry_forward_onehanded anim_defend_forward_onehanded ani_defend_forward_onehanded_keep
itcf_parry_forward_twohanded anim_defend_forward_greatsword anim_defend_forward_greatsword_keep
itcf_parry_forward_polearm anim_defend_forward_staff anim_defend_forward_staff_keep
Defend right
itcf_parry_right_onehanded anim_defend_right_onehanded anim_defend_right_onehanded_keep
itcf_parry_right_twohanded anim_defend_right_twohanded anim_defend_right_twohanded_keep
itcf_parry_right_polearm anim_defend_right_staff anim_defend_right_staff_keep
Defend left
itcf_parry_left_onehanded anim_defend_left_onehanded anim_defend_left_onehanded_keep
itcf_parry_left_twohanded anim_defend_left_twohanded anim_defend_left_twohanded_keep
itcf_parry_left_polearm anim_defend_left_staff anim_defend_left_staff_keep
Defend up
itcf_parry_up_onehanded anim_defend_up_onehanded anim_defend_up_onehanded_keep
itcf_parry_up_twohanded anim_defend_up_twohanded anim_defend_up_twohanded_keep
itcf_parry_up_polearm anim_defend_up_staff anim_defend_up_staff_keep

For ranged weapons the itcf determine the ready and release animations as follows:[18]

itcf Ready Action Release Action
itcf_shoot_bow anim_ready_bow anim_release_bow
itcf_shoot_crossbow anim_ready_crossbow anim_release_crossbow
if crouching
itcf_shoot_musket anim_ready_musket anim_release_musket
itcf_throw_stone anim_ready_stone anim_release_stone
itcf_throw_knife anim_ready_throwing_knife anim_release_throwing_knife
itcf_throw_axe anim_ready_throwing_axe anim_release_throwing_axe
itcf_throw_javelin anim_ready_javelin anim_release_javelin

Crossbows, muskets and pistols are the only ranged items which have a separate reloading animation, at the others it is integrated at the ready action. If use_phased_reload is set to 1 in module.ini, the reloading of muskets and guns can get done with intermediate steps.

itcf Reload Action
if mounted and no itp_cant_reload_on_horseback is set
if 'use_phased_reload = 1' is set and reload has been interrupted at middle
if 'use_phased_reload = 1' is set and reload has been interrupted

For close combat weapons the itcf determines the ready and release animations for unmounted agents as follows (Pay attention to the different conditions alongside the itcf!):

itcf and condition Ready Action Release Action
itcf_thrust_twohanded AND no shield anim_ready_thrust_twohanded anim_release_thrust_twohanded
itcf_thrust_polearm AND no shield anim_ready_thrust_staff anim_release_thrust_staff
itcf_thrust_onehanded AND (shield OR no itcf_thrust_polearm) anim_ready_thrust_onehanded anim_release_thrust_onehanded
itcf_thrust_onehanded_lance AND (shield OR no itcf_thrust_polearm) anim_ready_thrust_onehanded_lance anim_release_thrust_onehanded_lance
itcf_thrust_musket AND (shield OR no itcf_thrust_polearm) anim_ready_thrust_musket anim_release_thrust_musket
itcf_overswing_twohanded AND no shield anim_ready_overswing_twohanded anim_release_overswing_twohanded
itcf_overswing_polearm AND no shield anim_ready_overswing_staff anim_release_overswing_staff
itcf_overswing_onehanded anim_ready_overswing_onehanded anim_release_overswing_onehanded
itcf_overswing_spear AND no shield anim_ready_overswing_spear anim_release_overswing_spear
itcf_overswing_musket AND (shield OR no itcf_overswing_polearm) anim_ready_overswing_musket anim_release_overswing_musket
Swing left
itcf_slashleft_twohanded AND no shield anim_ready_slashleft_twohanded anim_release_slashleft_twohanded
itcf_slashleft_polearm AND no shield anim_ready_slashleft_staff anim_release_slashleft_staff
itcf_slashleft_onehanded anim_ready_slashleft_onehanded anim_release_slashleft_onehanded
Swing right
itcf_slashright_twohanded AND no shield anim_ready_slashright_twohanded anim_release_slashright_twohanded
itcf_slashright_polearm AND no shield anim_ready_slashright_staff anim_release_slashright_staff
itcf_slashright_onehanded anim_ready_slashright_onehanded anim_release_slashright_onehanded

For mounted agents the ready and release animations are as follows:

itcf and condition Ready Action Release Action
itcf_thrust_onehanded anim_ready_thrust_onehanded_horseback anim_release_thrust_onehanded_horseback
itcf_thrust_onehanded_lance anim_ready_thrust_onehanded_lance anim_release_thrust_onehanded_lance
itcf_overswing_onehanded anim_ready_overswing_onehanded anim_release_overswing_onehanded
Swing left
itcf_horseback_slashleft_onehanded AND itcf_horseback_slash_polearm anim_ready_slash_horseback_polearm_left anim_release_slash_horseback_polearm_left
itcf_horseback_slashleft_onehanded anim_ready_slash_horseback_left anim_release_slash_horseback_left
Swing right
itcf_horseback_slashright_onehanded AND itcf_horseback_slash_polearm anim_ready_slash_horseback_polearm_right anim_release_slash_horseback_polearm_right
itcf_horseback_slashright_onehanded anim_ready_slash_horseback_right anim_release_slash_horseback_right

Parry animations are still missing

Changing blocking speed, Somebody, Modding Q&A

unequip animations would be interesting to know the relation/connection to flags, to do

phased reload, Slawomir of Aaarrghh, Version 1.150 - 1.151 - 1.152 - 1.153 released

Other Notes

Creating animation test, xenoargh, Modding Q&A

set animation in mp, Vornne and MadocComadrin, Modding Q&A

agent set animation for horse, Somebody, Modding Q&A

Some jumping animation info, Lumos, Modding Q&A

knockdown animation, _Sebastian_, Modding Q&A

stop cyclic animation, _Sebastian_, Modding Q&A

kill player at certain frame of animation, The_dragon, Modding Q&A

it is possible to use an engine trick in WB to shoot a pistol through a shield, using a custom animation, Darth Mongol the Unwise, Mount & Blade Modding Discord